Giacomo Savini, MD
Giacomo Savini, MD, was born in Bologna, Italy, on February 28, 1969.
He graduated in Medicine at the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1993 and completed the residency in Ophthalmology at the same University in 1997.
Between 1997 and 2008 he has been working in a private practice (Centro Salus, Bologna, Italy), where he has mainly performed cataract and refractive surgery. In 2008 he founded his own private practice (Studio Oculistico d’Azeglio, Bologna, Italy). Since 2009 he is also a researcher at the GB Bietti Foundation – IRCCS in Rome, Italy.
He is a member of the IOL Power Club since 2007. In 2013 he became a member of the Executive Committee as the treasurer of the IPC.
In 2013 he has been appointed Visiting Professor at Whenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang, China.
In 2021 he passed the examination, issued by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, for the qualification as a University Professor.
He has authored more than 200 papers on peer-reviewed journals (, presented more than 250 papers at national and international meetings and organized eight national meetings on IOL power calculation in Bologna between 2013 and 2022.
He is one of the authors of the Hoffer QST formula and the Naeser/Savini toric calculator (