Educational ArticlesThomas Olsen – IOL power calculation in long and short eyesBy Thomas Olsen, MD Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Aarhus University Aarhus, Denmark While it may not be that difficult to...
Educational ArticlesKenneth J Hoffer - Zeroing Out the Mean Error in IOL Power Calculation Studies in ExcelWhen comparing results of studies on IOL power formulas it is always necessary to Zero out the Mean Error (ME) of each formula.
Educational ArticlesJohn Shammas - Post Refractive IOL Power CalculationsINTRAOCULAR LENS POWER CALCULATION IN PATIENTS WITH PRIOR REFRACTIVE SURGERY By H. JOHN SHAMMAS, M.D. Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology...
Educational ArticlesJaime Aramberri - IOL POWER CALCULATION AFTER CORNEAL REFRACTIVE SURGERYIOL POWER CALCULATION AFTER CORNEAL REFRACTIVE SURGERY Jaime Aramberri MD Miranza Begitek Clinic. San Sebastian. Spain Okular Clinic ....
Educational ArticlesGiacomo Savini - BiometersHaag-Streit LenStar LS900 The LenStar LS900 has been the first competitor of the IOLMaster and the first optical biometer to measure lens...
Educational ArticlesGiacomo Savini - Toric CalculatorsSeveral calculators for toric IOLs are currently available. The most accurate ones do not only calculate the cylinder of the toric IOL...
Educational ArticlesGiacomo Savini - IOL POWER CALCULATION FOR KERATOCONUSIOL power calculation in eyes with keratoconus is challenging for several reasons, which resemble those potentially leading to refractive...
Educational ArticlesScott McClatchey - Pediatric IOL ChoiceI have no conflicts of interest. The opinions expressed in this presentation are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the...