ASCRS / ESCRS Courses.
ASCRS 2024
This year ASCRS celebrated it's 50 year Anniversary in Boston and honored a few of the people who helped make it what it is today. One of those people is our very own Dr. Kenneth Hoffer, who started the organization in 1974. During our conference, he was able to give us his story of how ASCRS was started.
On Sunday April 7th, the IOL Power organized its course at the annual meeting of the ASCRS in Boston. The title was “IOL Power Club Course: Optimized IOL Power Selection”. Dr. Hoffer introduced the course and gave an overview of currently available IOL formulas for unoperated eyes. Dr. Shammas presented un update on optical biometers and Dr. Olsen provided the best evidence for calculation in short and long eyes. Dr. Ribeiro discussed the issue of IOL power calculation in post-LASIK eyes and Dr. Savini in toric eyes; finally Dr. Aramberri presented some unusual cases. As usual, several ophthalmologists attended the course.
The next course of the IPC will be in Barcelona at ESCRS: we are looking forward to seeing you there!
ESCRS 2023
The IPC is incredibly grateful to ESCRS, which gave us the opportunity to organize 2 courses during the same meeting.
We presented the following courses in Vienna, Austria this September:
Measuring and Calculating the Corneal Power - Giacomo Savini, MD (Italy)
Axial Length Measurement by US and Optical Biometry - Thomas Olsen, MD (Denmark)
IOL Position: Estimation, Measurement and Stability - Nino Hirschall, MD (Austria)
Calculation Methods: Vergence, Raytracing and AI - Jaime Aramberri Agesta, MD (Spain)
Current IOL Power Formulas - Fam Han Bor, MD (Singapore)
Update on the Optical Biometers and Corneal Tomographers - Tiago Ferreira, MD (Portugal)
Predicting the IOL Position: ELP vs Physical IOL Position - Thomas Olsen, MD (Denmark)
Toric IOL Calculations - Tun Kuan Yeo, MD (Singapore)
IOL Constant Optimization - Achim Langenbucher, PhD (Germany)
Post-Refractive Surgery Eyes - Giacomo Savini, MD (Italy)
Complicated Cases - Jaime Aramberri Agesta, MD (Spain)
ASCRS 2023
The IPC Executive Committee organized the usual course on IOL power calculation at the 2023 ASCRS meeting in San Diego, CA USA this May.
Updates on IOL formulas, optical biometers, IOL power calculation in short and long eyes, in eyes with previous refractive surgery and in eyes requiring toric IOLs were provided to participants.
2022 Course Announcement.
The IPC Executive Committee organized the usual course on IOL power calculation at the 2022 ASCRS meeting in Washington, D.C. USA and the 2022 ESCRS meeting in Milan, Italia.
Updates on IOL formulas, optical biometers, IOL power calculation in short and long eyes, in eyes with previous refractive surgery and in eyes requiring toric IOLs were provided to participants.