Academic degrees
MD. (University of Aarhus, Denmark) - 1978
Dr. med. (Equivalent to PhD) (University of Aarhus, Denmark) - 1982
Associated Professor (University of Aarhus, Denmark) - 1991
(In Denmark ‘Professor’ is the highest academic degree and a title reserved for a person who has been found qualified by the University)
Clinical posts
Senior Consultant and Head of the out-patient cataract service center at University Eye Clinic, Aarhus Hospital, Denmark: 1991 – 2017
Consultant, Aros Privathospital, Skejby, Denmark: 2000 – present
Consultant, Memira Refractive Surgery: 2015 – 2020
Copenhagen Eye Center: 2014 – 2021
Medical Society Affiliations
Scandinavian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (SSCRS)
President: 2006 – present
ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons)
Board Member: 2006 – 2013
ESCRS member: 1992 – present
ASCRS member: 1992 – present
Medical director, Danish National Cataract Outcome Registry: 1999 – 2004
IOL Power Club (http://www.iolpowerclub.org)
(Founder Secretary 2005, Past-President, President 2021-23): 2005 – present
Scientific Interests
Thomas Olsen began his scientific career before his residency as a research fellow at the University Eye Clinic 1979 – 1982. He earned his title ‘dr. med.’ in 1982 based on the work ‘Specular microscopic investigations on the corneal endothelium and its involvement in corneal edema. For several years he was working in the field of cornea research as part of the research team at the University Eye Clinic. His research shifted gradually into more optical aspects of clinical examination of the cornea and the retina. He designed new methods to measure the thickness of the cornea and to measure the reflection of the corneal reflex, The latter work was awarded as The International 1. prize Winner of "Chibret International Award 1984". From 1986 his interest focused on physiological optics and methods to improve IOL power calculation. This led to the area of biometry and this has been his main interest ever since. He developed a thick-lens IOL power calculation in 1987 and soon realized the need of improving the ELP prediction, which has been the subject of several publications.
He is the author of the Olsen formula, which has been implemented on several biometers and is downloadable from www.phacooptics.com as a stand-alone PC IOL power calculation and data management application. He has published over 145 journal articles since 1978.